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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Printing:Save time when printing by marking regions of interest and completing advanced printing features. (video: 1:09 min.)Lighting and Reflection tools:Create and apply lighting models in a single click. Use lighting models created by another designer or create your own. (video: 1:21 min.)Patterns:Perform pattern matching automatically across multiple drawings or more than one drawing at a time. (video: 1:30 min.)Import 3D models:3D models imported from a variety of sources can now be edited without additional manipulation in Autodesk® AutoCAD® software.Create and edit user-defined packages:Convert individual components from a user-defined package to individual components.Create and edit various package types:Convert all components in a package to the new AutoCAD® line type package. Convert the internal reference geometry to the new AutoCAD® line type package. Create line type packages with different line style properties, or create packages with complex line style properties.Create line type packages with geometric entities, such as arcs or solids.Convert geometric entities, such as arcs, solids, or splines, to line type packages. Convert various geometric entities to line type packages.Extensions:Extensions now load faster and can be installed and used without opening the program or restarting your PC.Extensions can also be uninstalled.Extensions must now be installed in the main AutoCAD® program directory.Other Changes:Add input to the Autodesk® Subscription product, Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architectural Desktop.Add Dynamic Input to the Autodesk® Subscription product, Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture.Add Support for the SOLIDWORKS® Platform.A new interface for converting product key information from a previous version to the current version is now available.Updates to Microsoft® Windows® and AutoCAD® for Windows®With every release, we introduce a variety of new features in AutoCAD® to help you work faster and more efficiently. This release is no exception: here are some of the newest features you can try out. We’re excited about these new features, and we hope you will, too.New capabilities and productivity 2be273e24d


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